Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Are You Building Your e-Mail List?

The money is in the list they say...

Are you like most marketers who tend to always be on the lookout for the big traffic source that can bring hundred or thousand of visitors a day to your site?

These same marketers also tend to overlook the often simple traffic strategies that can bring regular and easy traffic to their website...


Mind you there is nothing wrong with lots of traffic to a site if you can manage
to get it. But if you can't, this article is for you!

Indeed there are simple traffic strategies that can bring a goodly amount of visitors
to your site and with a good converting squeeze page, you can add them to your list and
convert these visitors into customers who  will bring money to your business.

Before we get to the strategies, we need some preparations!

You need to create a landing page.

You can create a simple landing page yourself for free. Make it a simple page and give away a free report. The report has to help solve a problem (how to lose that extra five pounds, how to land your dream job, how to ace it at your next interview, etc). Test your landing page to make sure that it is ready to receive all the traffic that you will be sending to it and collect all the fresh and targeted emails.

Let's take a look at some of the strategies!

Use social media to promote your website.

You don't have to sit down for hours to write great content (although you can if you really want to!). You can simply use image heavy social sites such as Pinterest and Instagram to bring your business in front of a crowd of potential customers.

Use long-tail key words

Use targeted long-tail keywords (those three and four keyword phrases easy to rank for in your specific niche) in your blog post or social post to attract the low hanging fruits, as in the easy to reach customers on Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Posting content to LinkedIn
As you know, LinkedIn has become one of the major players, the world largest professional social network that you can use to post content regularly to boost traffic to your site and increase your visibility in your industry.

Don't take these information lightly! Try these simple strategies today and I promise you that you will start seeing more traffic to your site and building your email list in no time at all.

Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!