Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Are You Building Your e-Mail List?

The money is in the list they say...

Are you like most marketers who tend to always be on the lookout for the big traffic source that can bring hundred or thousand of visitors a day to your site?

These same marketers also tend to overlook the often simple traffic strategies that can bring regular and easy traffic to their website...


Mind you there is nothing wrong with lots of traffic to a site if you can manage
to get it. But if you can't, this article is for you!

Indeed there are simple traffic strategies that can bring a goodly amount of visitors
to your site and with a good converting squeeze page, you can add them to your list and
convert these visitors into customers who  will bring money to your business.

Before we get to the strategies, we need some preparations!

You need to create a landing page.

You can create a simple landing page yourself for free. Make it a simple page and give away a free report. The report has to help solve a problem (how to lose that extra five pounds, how to land your dream job, how to ace it at your next interview, etc). Test your landing page to make sure that it is ready to receive all the traffic that you will be sending to it and collect all the fresh and targeted emails.

Let's take a look at some of the strategies!

Use social media to promote your website.

You don't have to sit down for hours to write great content (although you can if you really want to!). You can simply use image heavy social sites such as Pinterest and Instagram to bring your business in front of a crowd of potential customers.

Use long-tail key words

Use targeted long-tail keywords (those three and four keyword phrases easy to rank for in your specific niche) in your blog post or social post to attract the low hanging fruits, as in the easy to reach customers on Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Posting content to LinkedIn
As you know, LinkedIn has become one of the major players, the world largest professional social network that you can use to post content regularly to boost traffic to your site and increase your visibility in your industry.

Don't take these information lightly! Try these simple strategies today and I promise you that you will start seeing more traffic to your site and building your email list in no time at all.

Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How to attract visitors to your site and subscribe them to your list!

It started with a dream

Most website owners and bloggers dream about attracting hundreds and thousands of visitors to their site so that they can take a look at what they have to offer. The anticipation of potentially getting lots of visitors to a site is exciting but after all the visitors have come, have seen and have gone you are left with an attractive traffic stat counter and no way
to re-connect with these visitors.

Some website owners and bloggers with a decent offer have made some sales with passing visitors in the early days of the internet. These days are gone and may never return. Mind you, you can still get maybe one sale out of 100 visitors today but realistically you need to find a way to also target the remaining 99 visitors.

An idea is born

A clever marketer one day was thinking about this very same problem and said "aha, one way to get some of the remaining visitors is to offer them something of real value that they can't refuse in return for their email address". Indeed that is an ingenuous way to
get the visitors to sign up to your newsletter and keep coming back to your site.

The idea of the opt-in box was born

Most if not all websites and blogs nowadays have an opt-in box or sign up page to invite visitors into their list. Building a list is one of the most important things that can happen to your business. Expert marketers have said that you can make a dollar for every customer
on your list. Imagine having 10,000 subscribers on your can make some decent dough that way, don't you think?

Attracting visitors to your site and subscribe them to your list!

You need to install an opt-in page and offer them an irresistible free gift in return for their email address. You may have to test different squeeze pages and offer and keep the one that converts the best. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and start building your list today!

Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!

Monday, June 20, 2016

How to get traffic to your site fast and presto!

There are many ways to get traffic to your site. Some are very fast and some takes a bit longer before you start seeing the fruit of your labor. The thing about traffic however is to keep at it. Easier said than done I know, but once you have built the momentum, the traffic will keep trickling in and just like any odd leak of your faucet, sure enough it will be enough to fill up a bucket in no our case enough for us to build a list of faithful subscribers.

Yahoo answers

You can get the quick traffic by answering questions from 'Yahoo answers'. If you give an answer that is helping someone find a solution to his/her problem, sure enough they will follow your link and end up on your website. That is one way of getting traffic fast! Any time that you have something that can be of value to someone else, you can potentially turn it into traffic to your website or blog.

Article marketing

Another way of building traffic that people seem to neglect this day is by writing articles. By articles I mean writing good and educational articles that people enjoy and help them in some ways, articles that give an honest solution to a pressing problem. What can be more helpful than looking for a solution to a nagging problem and it's only a keyboard typing away on the internet from you.

How to get traffic to your site fast is about providing online surfers with true solutions to bothersome problems and in return can get a potential visitor and eventual customer to your website or blog. If you want to try your hand at article writing, you can visit article directories and see how people are doing it and try doing it better.

 Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

3 Powerful Tactics - How to get 100 visitors a day

If you don't know how to get web site traffic, your online business, putting it simply is not going to survive. Having high quality products online that no one can see is like having a super market in the middle of the desert. Web traffic is the key to the success of any online business. Without it, nobody will come to your site and buy your products or invest in your services. In this short article, you will learn how you can attract massive traffic to your site and start reaping some huge profits.

Powerful tactic number one - Article Marketing.

As a matter of fact, the process is quite simple; well written articles can bring you insane amounts of web site traffic. You write articles and at the end you put a link to your website, and then you submit your article to article directories and blog publishers. From that, you get visitors from your article and eventually make some money, simple as that. 

If you don't like writing you can always hire someone to write articles for you and it can cost you less than $3 per 300 words article. Also there are many services that will distribute your article to hundreds of article directories and thousands of blog publishers for as little as $2 per article. One of the best places for that is You can literally buy huge amounts of targeted web traffic for as little as $5, believe me.

Powerful tactic Number two - Get web site traffic to your website with PPV advertizing.

How Does this One Work?

You simply create landing pages, I would recommend creating a landing page with sound or a video presentation about your product or service then you simply advertise your landing page through Pay Per View advertising services. You can pay as little as $0.02 per view of your landing page, so make sure you create a good one so people would be interested in leaving their email addresses with you and you can follow up with them later with your autoresponder emails .

So many people are missing the boat on this, such a great method where you can buy targeted web site traffic at a very affordable price. As an example: one of my online marketing friends has built a list of 9,456 subscribers overnight with this tactic. Yes he did invest some money but it was money well spent.

Powerful tactic number three - Get web site traffic almost instantly with PPC advertising.

In case you don't know what is PPC. PPC stands for pay per click and that means you pay only for real results when someone clicks on your ads. But once you get visitors to your website then its %100 your job to turn that visitor into a customer. Of course without special training PPC can be very risky, but here is a tip that can really help you make profits with this powerful tactic.

If you for example sell a product that gives you a $40 profit, you want to spend less than $40 to send 100 visitors to your website. That way you can be in profit. I said after you deliver 100 visitors, because according to statistic out of 100 visitors, more or less, one will buy. Then again it might depend on the product you are selling. So first you will want to test the conversion rate of your website or product before spending money on traffic. 

Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

How To Get Free Traffic - 3 Simple Proven Methods

If you have always wondered how to get free traffic on a long term basis, persistence and consistency is the key. Driving traffic to your site or blog is an ongoing process that takes time. Over time, I have learned that to get website traffic, it's about the many little things that you do consistently over a period of time.

So, here are the 3 simple proven methods on how to get free traffic that you can use to add to the cumulative effect of driving traffic to your site or blog.

Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers is a great tool to get more traffic to your websites. This is where you can get free web traffic by simply posting answers to questions posed by other users. What you do is finding questions that are related to your niche and answer as many questions as you can find.

The key is not to rush through this but to craft your answers carefully and make sure you provide value with your answers.

To get website traffic to your websites, you can either post your website link at your profile or at the sources box that is provided right after the space where you key in your answer.

I'm sure you now know how to get free traffic by using Yahoo! Answers. But do always make sure that you stay within the Yahoo! Answers guidelines and rules at all times. My past experience taught me to stay within the guidelines as Yahoo! Answers could be really fast in banning your account if you are found to be spamming other users with all your website links!

Blog Comments

This method is often forgotten or underrated by many. But actually posting useful blog comments regularly on high-trafficked blogs can really get website traffic to your website over time. In fact, blog comments is one of the most effective methods and a must try for those who want to know how to get free traffic.


Needless to say, YouTube is one of the most viewed and visited websites. Posting an interesting video which is of good quality could be a highly effective way to get free web traffic. And just like regular SEO for your content, you can optimize your videos to be found in the YouTube search results.

One good thing about YouTube is that it is so easy to add the video to your site. Just copy and paste a few code of your video from YouTube and the video is ready to go at your site!

Of course, you must always remember to post your website link somewhere in the video or at its description. Learn how to get free traffic using YouTube would be pretty much beneficial to you in a long run.

So there you have it - 3 simple proven methods on how to get free traffic. What you need to do now is to take one step at a time. Building traffic takes time. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Just remember that the little things you do today can evolve into long-term rewards of a lifetime. This should be sufficient to keep you motivated!

Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!

Friday, May 20, 2016

What Is The Best Way To Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Website?

The biggest challenge that search engine marketers face is the deceptively simple question of how to get more traffic to your website. Getting the targeted traffic that your site needs takes a lot of work - and there is no one right way to do it. Search Engine Optimization is both an art and a science; but if you manage to do it well, you will reap the benefits - namely, lots of targeted traffic

To get that big flow of targeted visitors to your site, there are some techniques that you should employ. Done properly, these will provide great results for your website. Generic search engine optimization, when done well, can create sustainable and steadily increase profits even as search engines continually adjust their algorithms. 

 Since targeted visitors are the only ones you want; visitors who are already interested in what your site has to offer, it would be a mistake to cast too wide a net. You need to first ask yourself this question before you start the SEO process for your site: 

"Who is my target market - The people who will be my prospects and ultimately paying customers?" 

Following this, ask yourself: 

Are they other companies or businesses? 
Are these professionals who are in search of something in particular that my website offers?
Who are the people who are looking at my site now? 
Are they everyday consumers or corporate buyers? 
If these are regular customers; who are they? 
Are they affluent? 
What age range do they tend to fall into? 
Where do they live?
Have they visited your site once or more before becoming a customer? 

They may in fact already be customers; or at least frequent visitors to your site. Better yet is the case that they are repeat customers. The more information you can gather about your current customers, the better you will be able to target others like them. Armed with this data, you will have a much easier time making sense of the next few steps to building targeted traffic for your site. 

Search engines and directories 

In this age of connected technology, you need to stay close to the top of the search engines results and in all the relevant online directories. This makes it much more likely that someone looking for your product or service will find you and not a competitor.  

Give free newsletters on your website 

A free newsletter is one of the easiest ways to get more traffic to your site. You can publish a free newsletter and distribute it via an opt-in email list. This automatically builds you a list of prospects who are interested in your product or service. These subscribers will opt-in voluntarily, meaning that everyone is a good prospect

Online forums and discussion groups 

It is well known that people in various demographic groups (that is to say, target markets) hang out in discussion groups and online forums. There they discuss their experiences and share information. If you can determine which groups people in your target market are likely to belong to, join them. This will give you a leg up on your competitors and give you valuable insight into how to appeal to your niche market.
Want to learn more tips and tactics to bring more traffic to your site? Click here!